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War Heats Up!, Kremlin Reveals US Become Main Beneficiary of Ukraine War

War Heats Up!, Kremlin Reveals US Become Main Beneficiary of Ukraine War.
Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov in remarks published Monday, December 26, 2022, alleged that the United States was fueling the escalation in Ukraine because the US was the main beneficiary of the war.

He said it was Washington and NATO that turned Ukraine into a global crisis by trying to defeat Russia and achieve a Western victory on the battlefield.
"The collective actions of the Western countries and [Ukrainian President] Volodymyr Zelenskyy, controlled by them, confirm the global nature of the Ukraine crisis," Lavrov said in a new interview with the state-owned TASS news agency.
“It is no secret that the strategic goal of the US and its NATO allies is victory over Russia on the battlefield as a mechanism to significantly weaken or even destroy our country,” he said, as reported by ZeroHedge, Wednesday December 28, 2022. Lavrov explained that “recipients the main beneficiary” of the Ukraine war was the United States.

This is because the main “geopolitical goal” remains “breaking the traditional Russian-European relationship in order to further conquer Europe”. Corruption Prosecution in Afghanistan, Ex-President Karzai Reveals US Role "Our opponents will only do anything to achieve this goal," he stressed. Furthermore, he explained that this is what is behind the Ukraine crisis which is increasingly sliding from a proxy war into a 'hot conflict' in which a nuclear-armed superpower is inching towards a direct clash.
The top Russian diplomat also pointed out that American defense contractors are cooperating with the Pentagon's plans to cash in on the war in "the coming years":
“The US is doing everything to prolong the conflict and make it more violent. The Pentagon is openly planning orders for the American defense industry for years to come, constantly raising standards of military spending… and demanding the same from members of the anti-Russian Alliance,” Lavrov said.

Likely at the forefront of Lavrov's mind in delivering this unequivocal assessment that very much points to an escalation on the horizon are US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's “Russia is weakening” statement from last April. For the most part, Lavrov's fresh words and perspective have been vindicated and proven accurate by past and more recent statements by US defense officials and planners.

On the energy front, Europe being forced to divest from Russian natural gas at the same time is widely seen as a major "win" for the US energy sector.
Austin's earlier remarks, which came just months after Russia's February 24 invasion, demonstrated the long-standing US policy that "we want to see Russia weakened to the point where it cannot do the things it did in invading Ukraine."

And as CNN underlined at the time while quoting a National Security Council spokesperson to underscore Austin's comments, the Biden White House goal is "to make this invasion a strategic failure for Russia."
"We want Ukraine to win," the spokesperson said in earlier comments.
“One of our goals is to limit Russia's ability to do something like this again, as Secretary Austin has said. That is why we armed Ukraine with weapons and equipment to defend against Russian attacks, and that is why we are using sanctions and export controls directly targeted at the Russian defense industry to undermine Russia's economic and military power to threaten and attack its neighbours."

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