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Ukraine Missiles Hit Poland, Zelensky Accused of Starting World War III

Ukraine Missiles Hit Poland, Zelensky Accused of Starting World War III.
Thursday, November 17, 2022.

Missiles fired by a Ukrainian air defense system hit Poland and killed two people, but Kiev accused Russia of being behind it.
Over the incident, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was accused of trying to start World War III.
"Ukraine tried to start World War III yesterday when a Ukrainian missile attacked a NATO country and killed innocent civilians. Ukraine's leaders lied and blamed Russia. [News agency] AP wrote it without hesitation," wrote conservative United States (US) commentator Benny Johnson on Twitter.
"Ukrainian leaders lied to try and start a full-blown World War III. These are the facts," he continued.
The tweet came shortly after reports that a "Russian-made" missile hit Polish territory near the Przewodow region. Following the report, Zelensky said that it was a very significant escalation amid the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.
"This is a Russian missile attack on collective security! This is a very significant escalation. Action is needed," Zelensky said in a video after the report.
However, on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, several officials from the US, Poland and NATO denied that the missiles were launched by Russia as a deliberate attack on Poland, which is a member of NATO.

"There is initial information that disproves that. I don't want to say until we fully investigate," said US President Joe Biden. "No way, according to the trajectory, it was fired from Russia. But we'll see."
Polish President Andrzej Duda also commented on the attack, saying: "At the moment we have no evidence that it was a rocket launched by Russian troops."
“However, there are many indications that it was a missile used by the Ukrainian anti-missile defense,” Duda added, as quoted from NPR, Thursday (17/11/2022).
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also said that the missile was likely a stray attack from Ukraine's defense forces but added, "This is not Ukraine's fault. Russia bears primary responsibility for continuing its illegal war against Ukraine."
As well as Benny Johnson, several other high-profile commentators also criticized Ukraine's and Zelensky's initial comments following reports of the missile attack.
"Zelensky is one of the most dangerous psychopaths on the planet right now. He is determined to start another world war," conservative commentator Matt Walsh wrote on Twitter.
Renowned businessman Blair Brandt wrote on Twitter: "So now confirmed that Zelensky's military, perhaps accidentally, sent missiles to Poland and then tried to use them as an excuse for NATO to start World War III. This is not the act of a hero looking to save the world or de -escalation."
According to a Reuters report, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement denying that it fired missiles at Poland and said the reports were a deliberate provocation aimed at escalating the situation.

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