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GOOD WORK!! Putin has no regrets about the invasion of Ukraine Everythi...

Putin has no regrets about the invasion of Ukraine. Everything went according to plan.
Monday (31/10/2022).

Even so, Putin considered Russia's invasion of Ukraine "going according to plan". Instead, he blamed the West for inciting war in Ukraine and playing a "dangerous, bloody and dirty" game and sowing chaos around the world.
"The historical period of undivided domination of the West over world affairs is coming to an end. We are standing on the border of history: Ahead is perhaps the most dangerous, unpredictable and, at the same time, important decade since the end of World War II," Putin said in a statement. his speech.
The 70-year-old former Russian spy said "our enemy, the West, is facing the inevitable destruction of their hegemony."
"Leaders of the Liberal West have undermined traditional values" all over the world, instilled a culture with dozens of genders, gay parades in other countries, Putin added.
Putin also believes that sooner or later new centers of a more multipolar world order will emerge and end Western hegemony.
The United States and others, he continued, must start a dialogue with Russia and other major powers about the future of the world. According to Putin, the world is currently facing an era of danger since World War II.
"The historical period of undivided domination of the West over world affairs is coming to an end," Putin said.

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