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HELL FOR UKRAINE! These are the victims of Russia's ZALA LANCET Kamikaze...

These are the victims of Russia's ZALA Lancet "Kamikaze" Drone Malignancy.
Wednesday, 9-11-2022.

In this video clip, you can see what is currently a nightmare for Ukrainian soldiers (and civilians) on the battlefield. This demonstrates the use of the Russian-made ZALA Lancet-3 type "kamikaze" drone or officially known as "loitering munition" type Lancet-3.

The Lancet-3 is a loitering munition that is relatively small in size compared to the Iranian-made Shahed-136 which is also active in the war in Ukraine. The Lancet-3 is equipped with a ±3 kilogram HE/HE-Frag (High-Explosive, Fragmentation) warhead or warhead. The total weight of the Lancet-3 drone itself is ±12 kilograms, it is also equipped with an electrically-driven push engine that gives a maximum output speed of ±80-110 km/hour. The drone's operational range is ±40 kilometers and the Lancet-3 can be operated for ±40 minutes. Impressive, quite sufficient and can be used to attack infantry elements, civilian infrastructure, military facilities, and various defense equipment such as 2 Ukrainian S-300 SAM launchers that are carelessly parked side by side and in the open. The price is definitely "cheap".

What the admin knows is that Ukraine also has difficulty shooting down this kamikaze drone with MANPADS, which are looking for heat-signature or heat from the engine, yup, even though the speed of this kamikaze drone is only less than 200 km/hour. In this case we can see the potential of gun-based CIWS, then there are various SPAAGs such as Biho, Gepard, Tunguska or even the old Shilka. Using airburst ammunition, proximity-fuze that has been integrated with modern fire control systems, Shahed-136 and Lancet-3. The Ukrainian S-300 being destroyed by a kamikaze drone was a "fatal blow" for the Ukrainian side. Destroying two super-expensive weapon systems with a relatively inexpensive kamikaze drone, welcome to the modern battlefield.

Post By : RARW

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