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French daily La Tribune Sebut Indonesia has paid a down payment for an additional 18 Rafales

French daily La Tribune Sebut Indonesia has paid a down payment for an additional 18 Rafales
10 March 2023, Author RNS.

Good news has been pouring in in the process of procuring the main weapons systems (alutsista), including the acquisition of Rafale fighter jets from France. After securing the procurement of the first six Rafale groups, Jakarta is now reported by French daily La Tribune to have made an advance payment for the procurement of 18 Rafale fighter jets made by Dassault's second batch.

“This is good news for Dassault Aviation, which is presenting its 2022 annual results this Thursday. According to the appropriate source, Indonesia has issued a budget to acquire 18 new Rafales, after the first six Rafales come into force in 2022 (about 1.3 billion dollars)," wrote La Tribune, yesterday. It was highlighted that in February 2022, Indonesia had signed the procurement of 42 Rafales, the signing of which was carried out in Jakarta. It was also added that Indonesia is also preparing to get 12 Mirage 2000-5 from Qatar.

Biggest support"
Meanwhile in the country, Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto after handing over the C-130J-30 Super Hercules A-1338 aircraft made by Lockheed Martin to the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono at Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base, Jakarta (8/3), said that the Ministry of Defense will acquire various defense equipment.

President Joko Widodo's administration, said Defense Minister Prabowo, provided the largest budget in history for the purchase of weapons systems. However, when COVID 19 occurred, the state budget was prioritized first to save the people from a very dangerous virus.

"I have seen the support from Pak Joko Widodo's administration in history for defense," said Prabowo, who was standing to the right of President Jokowi at the time. While quoted by Tempo, apart from buying new aircraft, Prabowo also intends to buy used aircraft.

Prabowo said the procurement of Rafale would take time. Once the contract is signed for the Rafale, the new aircraft will arrive 3-5 years later. The general chairman of the Gerindra Party emphasized that Indonesia must have a fairly strong deterrent effect. Therefore, before the Rafale planes arrive, he will try to procure second-hand aircraft more quickly.

Harian Prancis La Tribune Sebut Indonesia telah membayar uang muka untuk tambahan 18 Rafale.
10 March 2023, Author RNS.

Berita baik bertubi-tubi datang dalam proses pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista), termasuk akuisisi jet tempur Rafale dari Prancis. Setelah mengamankan pengadaan enam Rafale kelompok pertama, kini Jakarta diberitakan harian Prancis La Tribune telah melakukan pembayaran uang muka untuk pengadaan 18 jet tempur Rafale buatan Dassault batch kedua.

“Ini adalah kabar baik bagi Dassault Aviation, yang menyajikan hasil tahunan 2022 pada hari Kamis ini. Menurut sumber yang sesuai, Indonesia telah mengeluarkan anggaran untuk mengakuisisi 18 Rafale baru, setelah enam Rafale pertama mulai berlaku pada tahun 2022 (sekitar 1,3 miliar dolar),” tulis La Tribune, kemarin. Disoroti bahwa Indonesia pada Februari 2022, telah menandatangani pengadaan 42 Rafale yang penandatanganannya dilaksanakan di Jakarta. Ditambahkan pula bahwa Indonesia juga bersiap untuk mendapatkan 12 Mirage 2000-5 dari Qatar.

Dukungan terbesar"
Sementara itu di dalam negeri, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto usai menyerahkan pesawat C-130J-30 Super Hercules A-1338 buatan Lockheed Martin kepada Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta (8/3), mengatakan bahwa Kementerian Pertahanan akan mengakuisi beragam alutsista.

Pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo, ujar Menhan Prabowo, memberikan anggaran terbesar dalam sejarah untuk pembelian sistem persenjataan. Namun pada saat terjadi COVID 19, anggaran negara diutamakan terlebih dahulu untuk menyelamatkan rakyat dari virus yang sangat berbahaya.

“Dukungan pemerintahan Pak Joko Widodo itu saya lihat dalam sejarah untuk pertahanan itu terbesar,” kata Prabowo yang berdiri di sebelah kanan Presiden Jokowi saat itu. Sementara dikutip oleh Tempo, selain akan membeli pesawat baru, Prabowo juga bermaksud membeli pesawat bekas.

Prabowo menyebut pengadaan Rafale membutuhkan waktu. Ketika sudah tanda tangan kontrak untuk Rafale, pesawat baru akan datang 3-5 tahun kemudian. Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra itu menandaskan, Indonesia harus mempunyai deterrent effect yang cukup kuat. Karena itu, sebelum pesawat Rafale datang, ia akan berupaya untuk mendatangkan pesawat bekas lebih cepat.

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