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Naval Group Targets 85% of Submarine Components to Come from Indonesian Companies

Naval Group Targets 85% of Submarine Components to Come from Indonesian Companies.
March 11, 2023.

Naval Group, which is a Scorpene submarine manufacturer, invites as many local Indonesian industries as possible to work together. They target 85 percent of the submarine's components to come from Indonesian companies.
This was conveyed by Director of International Cooperation and Offset Naval Group Claire Legaz in her presentation at the Bilateral Defense and Security Industry Seminar, in Jakarta, Wednesday (8/3/2023).
According to Claire, the Naval Group is offering two Scorpene submarines to the Indonesian Government. Currently, there have been intensive talks with PT PAL regarding the transfer of know-how to PT PAL.
Apart from PT PAL, Claire invites the involvement of other Indonesian industries. The goal is to increase local content, offset, and trade returns. In accordance with the Defense Industry Law, the purchase of the main weaponry system (alutsista) requires 85 percent to come from counter-trade, local content and offsets.
"This cooperation can also strengthen Indonesian local companies so they can achieve sovereignty," he said.

Claire said, if Indonesia did buy Scorpene, the construction of the submarine would be carried out at the PT PAL shipyard in Surabaya.
Warship Division at PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), City of Surabaya, East Java, Thursday (29/9/2022). PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) is one of the strategic industries that produces the main equipment for the Indonesian defense system, especially for the maritime dimension.
Claire said, this is a very ambitious form of cooperation. However, according to him, the same scheme was also carried out by the Naval Group in several other countries that bought ships.
In Brazil, which purchased four Scorpene, Naval Group is working with local companies on technical assistance, infrastructure and F21 torpedoes. India is also building its own six Scorpene submarines which it purchased from the Naval Group.


Naval Group Menargetkan 85% Komponen Kapal Selam Berasal dari Perusahaan Indonesia.
11 maret 2023.

Naval Group yang merupakan produsen kapal selam Scorpene mengajak sebanyak mungkin industri lokal Indonesia untuk bekerja sama. Mereka menargetkan 85 persen dari komponen kapal selam itu berasal dari perusahaan Indonesia.
Hal ini disampaikan Direktur Kerja Sama Internasional dan Ofset Naval Group Claire Legaz dalam presentasinya di acara Bilateral Defense and Security Industry Seminar, di Jakarta, Rabu (8/3/2023).
Menurut Claire, Naval Group menawarkan dua kapal selam Scorpene kepada Pemerintah Indonesia. Saat ini, telah ada pembicaraan intensif dengan PT PAL terkait transfer of know how kepada PT PAL.
Selain dengan PT PAL, Claire mengajak keterlibatan industri Indonesia yang lain. Tujuannya agar ada peningkatan konten lokal, ofset, serta imbal dagang. Sesuai dengan UU Industri Pertahanan, pembelian alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) mensyaratkan ada 85 persen yang berasal dari imbal dagang, kandungan lokal, dan ofset.
”Kerja sama ini bisa menguatkan juga perusahaan lokal Indonesia agar bisa mencapai kedaulatan,” katanya.
Claire mengatakan, jika Indonesia jadi membeli Scorpene, pembangunan kapal selam akan dilakukan di galangan kapal PT PAL di Surabaya.
Divisi Kapal Perang di PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Kamis (29/9/2022). PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) merupakan salah satu industri strategis yang memproduksi alat utama sistem pertahanan Indonesia, khususnya untuk matra laut.
Claire mengatakan, ini adalah bentuk kerja sama yang sangat ambisius. Namun, menurut dia, skema yang sama juga dilakukan Naval Group di beberapa negara lain yang membeli kapal.
Di Brasil, yang membeli empat Scorpene, Naval Group bekerja sama dengan perusahaan lokal dalam bidang bantuan teknis, infrastruktur, dan torpedo F21. India juga membangun sendiri enam kapal selam Scorpene yang dibelinya dari Naval Group. 

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