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China is crazy. Production of the J 20 Mighty Dragon is boosted to 1,000...

China Production of the J-20 Mighty Dragon is boosted to 1000 units.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

China has accelerated production of its Mighty Dragon, J-20 stealth fighter jet at the country's leading manufacturing facility to match US air power technology in the region.
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is using a "world-class" production line to speed up deliveries of its advanced fighter jets, a Chinese military insider and defense expert, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on Sunday.
"The J-20 production increase is aimed at balancing the increased deployment of the United States' dominant air superiority aircraft, the F-22, and another fifth-generation stealth fighter, the F-35, to the region," a military insider said.
"The implementation of new production lines and domestic engines has pushed the number of J-20s to equal, or even exceed, the number of US F-22 Raptors."

Based on the serial and operational numbers written on the planes on display at this month's airshow in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, previous estimates suggest that China may have built at least 200 J-20s.
Serial numbers written on two of the four J-20s on display at the air show reveal that the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group, the aircraft's developer, has delivered at least 140 units in its newest blocks, the third and fourth, US Defense News previously claimed. this month, citing military aviation expert Andreas Rupprecht.
The deployment of more than 100 US F-35s to Japan and South Korea in 2017 is claimed to have led to the induction of the J-20 in the PLA.

An aircraft can be put together using a production line once it reaches the final assembly stage, which requires the accurate assembly of large structural components and flight control systems, including the cockpit, engines, wings, tail, landing gear, and weapons. system.
According to Lockheed Martin, the fact that the standard electronic pairing and alignment system stations are all arranged vertically with a movable platform makes completion possible.

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