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European Union Suspects Iranian Satellite Launcher Could Be Intermediate...

European Union Suspects Iranian Satellite Launcher Could Be Intermediate-Range Nuclear Missile
December 9, 2022.

Iran Metropolis Agency
Iran has reportedly introduced the launch of the Ghaem-100 satellite which the European Union suspects could be used to carry nuclear warheads.

The Ghaem-100 satellite launch vehicle (SLV) that Iran launched on November 5 can be used as an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM), the British, French and German governments said in a joint letter to the UN Security Council.

"Modeling and simulations of the elements that make up the Ghaem-100 show that, if converted into the ballistic missile role and equipped with a 500 kg warhead, it will provide Iran with a fast route to medium-range ballistic missiles," they said. the letter, which was released on November 29.

It didn't provide specific figures, but IRBMs are generally classified as having a range of between 3,000 and 5,500 km, meaning based on the Ghaem-100 it would be able to reach Berlin and possibly cover all of Europe.

The letter noted that the Ghaem-100 was launched by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), which includes Iran's strategic missile forces, uses mobile launchers, and demonstrates “extensive technological cross-over with the development of long-range ballistic missiles.


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