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MKE Yavuz – Turkish-Produced Self Propelled Howitzer With MAN 6×6 Truck Platform

MKE Yavuz – Turkish-Produced Self Propelled Howitzer With MAN 6×6 Truck Platform

indomilitary| 04/08/2023

Not limited to producing tracked self-propelled howitzers (SPH) Firtina, Turkey, which achieved success in its defense industry, also developed and produced SPH wheeled tires in caliber 155 mm, which was labeled Yavuz 6×6. Launched at IDEF 2017 in Istanbul. Apart from complementing the arsenal of the Turkish Army, Yavuz is currently in the process of negotiating for acquisition by Malaysia and Brazil.

Yavuz is manufactured by a state-owned defense company – the Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKE). Like the SPH CAESAER 6×6 made in France which is operated by the Indonesian Army, Yavuz is designed to respond to the needs of the Turkish armed forces for a new type of howitzer that offers high mobility with the ability to deploy quickly.

MKE Yavuz is based on the German MAN 6×6 military truck chassis with a 155/52 mm howitzer mounted at the rear of the chassis. In fact, the howitzer used comes from the Panter 155 mm truck-mounted howitzer, which is also produced by MKE and is already in Turkish military operations, even the Panter has also been used by Pakistan.

The MKE Yavuz was developed based on the chassis and engine of a commercial MAN 6x6 truck converted for use for military applications, but the cab and layout were completely designed by MKE and Yol-Bak.

A double cab located aft of the MKE Yavuz 155mm 6x6 self-propelled howitzer can accommodate a crew of five, including driver, commander, gunner and two loaders. The crew cab is fully armored to provide protection against small arms fire and artillery projectile splinters.

MKE Yavuz is equipped with a semi-automatic loading system. In one operation, Yavuz can carry a total of 18 munitions stored in storage boxes located on each side of the truck chassis. The howitzer on the Yavuz can fire projectiles up to a maximum range of 40 km.

It only took 60 seconds for the Yavuz crew to fire the first shot, and in the hands of trained personnel, up to six shots were fired in one minute. MKE Yavuz combat weight is 20 tons.

With the MAN 6×6 truck platform, Yavuz can travel up to 60 km per hour and travel up to 600 km. (Glang Prime)

MKE Yavuz – Self Propelled Howitzer Produksi Turki Dengan Platform Truk MAN 6×6

indomiliter | 04/08/2023 

Tak sebatas memproduksi self propelled howitzer (SPH) tracked – roda rantai Firtina, Turki yang mencapai gemilang dalam industri pertahanannya, juga mengembangkan dan memproduksi SPH wheeled – roda ban di kaliber 155 mm, yang diberi label Yavuz 6×6. Diluncurkan pada ajang IDEF 2017 di Istanbul. Selain melengkapi arsenal Angkatan Darat Turki, Yavuz saat ini tengah dalam proses negosiasi untuk diakuisisi oleh Malaysia dan Brasil.

Yavuz diproduksi oleh perusahaan pertahanan milik pemerintah – Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKE). Seperti halnya SPH CAESAER 6×6 buatan Perancis yang dioperasikan TNI AD, Yavuz dirancang guna menanggapi kebutuhan angkatan bersenjata Turki pada jenis howitzer baru yang menawarkan mobilitas tinggi dengan kemampuan penyebaran secara cepat.

MKE Yavuz didasarkan pada sasis truk militer MAN 6×6 buatan Jerman dengan howitzer kaliber 155/52 mm yang dipasang di bagian belakang sasis. Sejatinya, howitzer yang digunakan berasal dari truk-mount howitzer Panter 155 mm, yang juga diproduksi oleh MKE dan sudah dalam operasional militer Turki, bahkan Panter juga telah digunakan oleh Pakistan.

MKE Yavuz dikembangkan berdasarkan sasis dan mesin truk MAN 6×6 komersial yang dikonversi untuk digunakan untuk aplikasi militer, tetapi kabin dan tata letaknya sepenuhnya dirancang oleh MKE dan Yol-Bak.

Kabin ganda terletak di bagian depan howitzer self-propelled MKE Yavuz 155mm 6×6 yang mampu menampung awak yang terdiri dari lima orang, termasuk pengemudi, komandan, penembak dan dua loader. Kabin awak sepenuhnya berlapis baja untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap tembakan senjata kecil dan serpihan proyektil artileri.

MKE Yavuz dilengkapi dengan sistem pemuatan munisi semi-otomatis, Dalam sekali beroperasi, Yavuz dapat membawa total 18 munisi yang disimpan di kotak penyimpanan yang terletak di setiap sisi sasis truk. Howitzer pada Yavuz dapat menembakan proyektil sampai jarak maksimum 40 km.

Hanya dibutuhkan waktu 60 detik untuk awak Yavuz melakukan tembakan pertama, dan di tangan personel yang terlatih, dalam satu menit dapat dilakukan sampai enam kali penembakan. Berat tempur MKE Yavuz adalah 20 ton.

Dengan platform truk MAN 6×6, Yavuz dapat melaju sampai kecepatan 60 km per jam dan menjelajah hingga 600 km. (Gilang Perdana)

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