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French Arms Exports Break Records in History, Rafale Sales Become 'Key'

 Ekspor Senjata Perancis Memecahkan Rekor Dalam Sejarah, Penjualan Rafale Jadi ‘Kunci’

Meletusnya perang Rusia-Ukraina yang dimulai pada 24 Februari 2022, tak pelak menjadi fokus pada industri pertahanan global. Sejak invasi Rusia ke Ukraina, maka dapat diamati secara langsung perubahan strategi anggaran pertahanan di banyak negara, terutama di negara-negara Eropa yang panik terimbas perang.

Dan terkait industri pertahanan yang kebagian ‘berkah’ konflik, perang berskala besar ditandai dengan panen kontrak bernilai tinggi untuk beragam segmen persenjataan. Dan belum lama ini, ada kabar dari Perancis, bahwa Negeri Eiffel pada akhir tahun 2022, telah memecahkan rekor kontrak ekspor senjata terbesar dalam sejarah.

Dikutip dari (26/7/2023), disebutkan di sepanjang tahun 2022, ekspor senjata Perancis mencapai 27 miliar euro (US$30 miliar). “Nilai tersebut naik dari 11,7 miliar euro pada tahun 2021,” kata Kementerian Pertahanan Perancis dalam laporan tahunannya kepada parlemen. Yang menarik untuk dicermati, porsi nilai ekspor terbesar disumbang oleh kinerja penjualan Dassault Aviation.

Dassault Aviation di sepanjang tahun 2022 berhasil meraih kontrak ekspor jet tempur Rafale hampir US$18 miliar. Pada Desember 2021, Uni Emirat Arab memesan 80 unit jet tempur Rafale F4, dan selama tahun 2022, penjualan Rafale membawa Perancis maraih kontrak 16 miliar euro ($18 miliar), atau hampir empat kali lipat dari total ekspor di tahun 2021, yang hanya berjumlah 4,4 miliar euro ($4,84 miliar).

Sementara Indonesia memesan enam Rafale untuk batch pertama, seperti yang dilakukan Yunani, semakin memperkuat kesuksesan global pesawat tempur buatan Dassault Aviation itu. Sejak itu, India telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman untuk 26 unit Rafale-M untuk penggunaan angkatan laut, setelah 36 unit Rafale dikirimkan untuk angkatan udaranya.

Yunani tahun lalu juga memesan tiga frigat ke Perancis, dan menandatangani kontrak pemeliharaan dan persenjataan terkait. Di segmen satelit, Polandia pada bulan Desember 2022 juga setuju untuk membeli dua satelit militer ke Prancis.

“Prestasi ekspor persenjataan Perancis berhasil dilalui oleh Rafale,” kata Menteri Pertahanan Sebastien Lecornu dalam laporan kepada parlemen. Rekor ekspor senjata Perancis dikaitkan dengan pengeluaran militer global yang lebih tinggi dari titik mana pun dalam tiga dekade terakhir.

Menurut Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), pengeluaran militer di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2022—tahun ketika Rusia menyerang Ukraina—mencapai US$2,24 triliun, mewakili 2,2 persen dari produk domestik bruto dunia.

Hampir dua pertiga ekspor senjata Perancis dikirim ke Timur Tengah, sekitar 23 persen ke Eropa dan delapan persen ke Asia dan Oseania. Pelanggan senjata terbesar Perancis antara 2013 dan 2022 adalah UEA, Mesir, Qatar, India, Arab Saudi, dan Yunani. (Gilang Perdana)

French Arms Exports Break Records in History, Rafale Sales Become 'Key'

indomilitary| 31/07/2023 | Air Force News, Updates on Defense Equipment, From the Combat Room, Combat Jets | 4 Comments

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war which began on February 24, 2022, inevitably became the focus of the global defense industry. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, changes in defense budget strategy can be observed directly in many countries, especially in European countries which are panicking as a result of war.

And regarding the defense industry which has received the 'blessing' of conflict, large-scale wars are marked by harvesting high-value contracts for various segments of armaments. And recently, there was news from France, that the Land of Eiffel at the end of 2022, had broken the record for the largest arms export contract in history.

Quoted from (26/7/2023), it is stated that throughout 2022, French arms exports will reach 27 billion euros (US$30 billion). "This value is up from 11.7 billion euros in 2021," the French Ministry of Defense said in its annual report to parliament. What is interesting to note is that Dassault Aviation's sales performance contributed the largest portion of the export value.

Throughout 2022, Dassault Aviation won an export contract for Rafale fighter jets of almost US $ 18 billion. In December 2021, the United Arab Emirates ordered 80 Rafale F4 fighter jets, and during 2022, the sale of the Rafale brought France a 16 billion euro ($18 billion) contract, or nearly four times the total exports in 2021, which amounted to only 4 .4 billion euros ($4.84 billion).

Meanwhile, Indonesia ordered six Rafales for the first batch, as did Greece, further strengthening the global success of the fighter made by Dassault Aviation. Since then, India has signed a memorandum of understanding for 26 Rafale-M units for naval use, after which 36 Rafale units were delivered to its air force.

Greece last year also ordered three frigates to France, and signed a related maintenance and armament contract. In the satellite segment, Poland in December 2022 also agreed to buy two military satellites to France.

"The achievement of French arms exports was successfully passed by the Rafale," Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu said in a report to parliament. France's record arms exports have been linked to higher global military spending than at any point in the last three decades.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), worldwide military spending in 2022, the year Russia attacked Ukraine, will reach US$2.24 trillion, representing 2.2 percent of the world's gross domestic product.

Nearly two-thirds of French arms exports go to the Middle East, about 23 percent to Europe and 8 percent to Asia and Oceania. France's largest arms customers between 2013 and 2022 will be the UAE, Egypt, Qatar, India, Saudi Arabia and Greece. (Glang Prime)

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